This section encompasses a wide range of GVC related information:
- ‘Events’ captures activities such as speeches and moderations at conferences and symposiae and, moreover, the appearance at/participation in any such events.
- ‘News’ captures all occurences relevant in the context of GVC’s business not qualifying as an ‘Event’ but worth sharing.
Nicosia 27/28 March 2018
Wolfgang delivers a keynote speech at the ‘9th Mediterranian Oil & Gas Forum 2018’ in Nicosia, on 27 March 2018: “The blessings of natural gas for Cyprus”
With an additional promising natural gas discovery, Cyprus has moved one step closer to develop its resource for own use and export. Emphasis was therefore put on the positive effects for the domestic Cypriot market and its economy at large, ranging from significant CO2 reductions in the power generation sector Read more towards substantial savings to be expected in conjunction with the current import of oil products. The Cypriot ‘4th National Energy Efficiency Plan for Cyprus 2017’ was discussed and triggered stimulating exchanges.
Brussels, 20 March 2018
Wolfgang attends the Eurogas Annual Conference: ‘Making mobility fit for the future – From roads to waterways’ in Brussels, on 20 March 2018.
The European Gas Industry Association Eurogas ( hosted its traditional Annual Conference. In an effort to foster stakeholder dialogue beyond the gas industry, the event was organized in cooperation with ‘NGVA’ (Natural & bio Gas Vehicle Association). Accordingly, the theme of the Conference was strongly focused on the deployment of natural gas in the transport sector. Read more
Essen, 07 February 2018
Wolfgang attends the ‘E-world energy & water 2018‘ in Essen, on 07 February 2018.
The traditional E-world energy & water exhibition & conference has evolved into a major display of technological developments around energy transition. Wolfgang participated in a symposium organized by Innogy on the subject: ‘Sektorenkopplung ohne Gas!?!’ Read more
Vienna 29-31 January 2018
Wolfgang attends the ‘European Gas Conference 2018’ in Vienna, on 29-31 January 2018. On main conference day 1 he delivers a speech: ’International & European Policies in the Context of a Global Gas Market’.
He explains that it was ‘money talking…’ hinging on price spreads between Henry Hub and NBP/TTF and not sanctions that would determine whether US American LNG would come to Europe. As to the EC attitude, he re-called that, in the face of a global gas market, the previous ‘Putin-phobia’ was no longer warranted. Read more Besides the availability of destination flexible LNG responding to price signals, Europe’s ability to send price signals and also absorb LNG thus attracted, he also elaborates, based on the insights of the IEA’s second ‘Global Gas Security Review 2017’, the decreasing response time of such LNG supplies. He also points towards some of the new unexpected potential ‘shocks’ stemming from new interdependencies, e.g. the emerging concentration risk of LNG terminals at the Gulf coast, being hit by hurricanes from time to time.
Frankfurt 13-14 December 2017
Wolfgang delivers a keynote speech at the ‘5th Frankfurt Gas Forum’ in Frankfurt, on 13 December 2017: ‘Implications of a Global Gas Market for International, European and National Policies’.
Wolfgang qualifies the US sanctions against Nordstream 2 as well as the efforts of the EC to derail the Nordstream 2 project as ‘misplaced’. He recalls that the second gas revolution, namely the LNG-revolution, has created and continues to further develop a global gas market which renders concerns about political blackmail due to supply dependency obsolete. Read more
The Hague, 23 November 2017
Wolfgang attends the Launch Presentation of the ‘World Energy Outlook 2017’ (WEO 2017) by the International Energy Agency (IEA) hosted by the Clingendael Institute in The Hague, on 23 November 2017.
The renowned “Clingendael Institute” (CIEP) headed by Prof. Coby van der Linde hosted the launch presentation of the WEO 2017 given by Tim Gould of the IEA. Read more
Brussels, 20 November 2017
Wolfgang attends the traditional ‘BDEW-Abend‘ under the theme: ‘Clean Energy 2.0: Die heiße Phase des Winterpakets’ in Brussels, on 20 November 2017.
The German Association of Energy and Water Industries (BDEW) hosted its traditional ‘Europe Event’ focusing on the EC’s ‘winter package’, i.e. security of supply and energy transition. High level guest speaker was Miguel Arias Canete, Read more Commissioner at the European Commission for Climate Protection and Energy. Besides EU wide renewables targets the intended introduction of emission standards for coal fired power plants was an intensively discussed subject.