This section encompasses a wide range of GVC related information:
- ‘Events’ captures activities such as speeches and moderations at conferences and symposiae and, moreover, the appearance at/participation in any such events.
- ‘News’ captures all occurences relevant in the context of GVC’s business not qualifying as an ‘Event’ but worth sharing.
Warsaw/Mülheim, 08 August 2018
GVC (along with its co-shareholders) divested its shares in Energy Match Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, a limited liability company under the laws of Poland and hence exited the Polish market. Wolfgang’s frustrated comment: “In my study on the Polish gas market, I qualified the Polish retail market as a commercial ‘no-go area’. GVC’s divestment is the living proof of this.” Financial details concerning the divestment cannot be disclosed.
Note: The link to Energy Match under ‘Affiliations’ has been removed.
Berlin, 20-21 June 2018
Wolfgang attends the ‘C-5 GAS AND LNG Supply Contracts Forum’ in Berlin, on 20-21 June 2018.
It should be noted that C-5 appears to be the first conference organizer combining piped gas and LNG as one conference theme. Given the convergence of global gas markets, this appears more than appropriate.
At the beginning of day 2, Wolfgang conducted a special 2-hour workshop: “Price Formation of Natural Gas”.
The workshop, courtesy IGU featuring the latest findings in a pre-publication version of the ‘IGU Wholesale Gas Price Survey 2018 Edition’ (, covered a wide range of topics, from price formation mechanisms around the world over price revision towards hedging techniques. Moreover, LNG pricing and required price spreads between markets such as the American Henry Hub and the European TTF were included. Read more
Further on day 2, Wolfgang participated in a panel and delivered a speech: “The Global Context for European Gas Contracts and Pricing’. He picked up once more on the significant share of Russian supplies into Germany entirely correlated to TTF pricing and that it mattered how a receiving market would treat supplies as to price formation. In this context, he also made some critical observations about certain Central-European states, where the lack of political will Read more and not alleged Russian dependency was the real reason for their markets lacking integration into the European traded markets. Poland was mentioned as a particularly striking case of putting up entry barriers hampering free cross-border trade.
Washington, 6-7 June 2018
Wolfgang attends the ‘4th Washington Oil & Gas Forum 2018’ organized by ‘U.S. Energy Stream’ ( in Washington, on 6-7 June 2018. It should be noted that GVC and U.S. Energy Stream have a cooperation agreement with GVC i.a. supporting U.S. Energy Stream as ‘knowledge partner’.
Wolfgang delivered one of the keynote speeches on day 1: ‘Some (not so) Frequently Asked Questions about the European natural gas market’.
Given the venue of the conference, with a considerable number of speakers and participants from the U.S. including high-ranking members of the U.S. State Department, a central mission of the presentation was to explain and demonstrate the evolution of the European gas markets since the Ukrainian gas crisis in 2009 and clarify potential misperceptions, not least regarding concerns about Russian dependency. Read more
Oslo, 31 May 2018
Wolfgang attends the seminar ‘The Ukrainian-Russian gas dispute – Implications for Western Europe’, organized by law firm Wikborg Rein and Ukrainian Naftogaz in Oslo, 31 May 2018:
The seminar, by personal invitation only, featured high level representatives including e.g. the CEO of Naftogaz, Mr. Andriy Kobolyev. Mr. Dag Mjaaland, Lead Counsel for Naftogaz and ‘partner in charge’ at Wikborg Rein, gave Read more a comprehensive summary of the 2 complex arbitrations. Besides further contributions, a panel on the ‘pros and cons’ of Nordstream 2 engaged in partly highly emotional, controversial discussions. Wolfgang made several interventions strictly on gas economical facts only, such as the existence of a global gas market with destination flexible LNG operating essentially as a ‘cap’ on the maximum achievable price of pipeline suppliers, the subsequent re-definition of security of supply away from a regional to a global level and the underestimated future total import requirement of Europe, according to the IEA 390 bcm/a in 2040. He also pointed out that Naftogaz could, in the face of further rising Russian supplies to Europe, expect future transit business irrespective of new-built import pipelines.
Amsterdam, 14-17 May 2018
Wolfgang chairs two panels at the ‘FLAME Gas Conference’ in Amsterdam, 15 and 16 May 2018:
First Panel (15 May): “Pipelines & Interconnectors: Europe cornered by supply?”
Second Panel (16 May): “The Future of Midstream Gas & Utilities”
The panelists of the first panel (Pipelines & Interconnectors) were Read more Reinhard Ontyd, Chief Commercial Officer, Nord Stream 2, Miroslav Bodnár, Member of the Board of Directors & Director of Strategy, EUStream, Andreas Rau, CEO, NET4GAS, Ana Stanič, Founder, E&A Law and Wouter Koopman, Shell.
The panelists of the second panel (The Future of Midstream Gas & Utilities) were Read more Ignacio de Aguirre, Head of Strategy, Gas Natural, Dieter Helm, Fellow, New College Oxford and Pierre Vergerio, Executive Vice President, Energy Management & Optimization, Edison.
Athens 3/4 May 2018
Wolfgang delivers a keynote speech at the ‘3rd International Conference of the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics’ in Athens, on 4 May 2018: “Gas Supply & Demand Dynamics: Pipelines and LNG” and moderates the respective panel with the same title.
Whilst the projected substantial growth in natural gas demand occurs elsewhere in the world, European gas demand is frequently underestimated (and the remaining level of indigenous production overestimated). E.g. the IEA, in its WEO 2017, Read more projects European demand essentially flat but sees a rising total import need of some 390 bcm/a by 2040. Hence, it appears advisable to encourage all manner of supply import aspirations, by both pipeline gas and LNG. Wolfgang points out once more the availability of destination flexible LNG responding to price signals operates like a ‘cap’ on the maximum achievable price for pipeline suppliers. At the same time, the volume pressure of abundant pipeline supplies keeps traded prices low and LNG (on a more permanent basis) mostly out.
Florence, 9 April 2018
Wolfgang participates in a panel at the Policy Workshop: ‘The Renewable Gas Complex and the European Path to Decarbonization’ organized by the ‘European University Institute’ and the ‘Florence School of Regulation’ in Florence, on 9 April 2018.
The Policy Workshop covered a wide spectrum of aspects pertaining to the ‘renewable gas’ complex. I.a. Read more the biogas, biomethane and syngas value chain were presented and discussed, moreover the hydrogen, ‘green hydrogen’ and power-to-gas value chain. TSO and DSO representatives contributed by explaining the huge possibilities offered by the existing gas infrastructure, not least the ability to store, in large quantities and over extended periods of time, renewable power which would otherwise be ‘lost’ since curtailed at times of low demand.