Gastkommentar Handelsblatt: “Auf heimische Ressourcen setzen” and subtitled “Entlastungspakete mildern nur die Symptome. Deutschland sollte die eigenen Energien nutzen: Strom aus Atom- und Braunkohlekraftwerken sowie Gas durch Fracking.“
Joint paper of ‘ewi ER&S’ and GVC: ‘The underrated long-term relevance of gas in the decarbonizing German energy space’.
The Gas Value Chain Company
The Gas Value Chain Company (GVC) is a recently established commercial operator in the global oil, gas and LNG industry – providing specialist advice and support to clients across the value chain, from reservoir to burner-tip.
Our extensive industry experience and practical knowledge ensures that GVC will deliver optimal value when assisting clients in complex transactions and negotiations, project commercialization and litigation proceedings worldwide.